What is

We recently introduced a Rust implementation of the CCCP-Relayer for the Bifrost Network. The new relayer has been reengineered to enhance overall performance and robustness across multiple blockchains. It retains the same functions as the Python version, processing cross-chain transactions and facilitating data transfers (e.g., feeding price information) from one blockchain to another.

The following section will guide you through the setup process about the Rust implementation of the Bifrost network's relayer.

Install Requirements

To initiate the bifrost-relayer, certain dependencies must be manually installed. Both the executable binary file and the configuration YAML file are essential for all environments and operators.

First, install the latest bifrost-relayer release binary. You can check the latest releases by going to our GitHub repository under the releases page.

wget ""

In order to execute the binary, the permission of the file has to be updated.

chmod +x bifrost-relayer

Then, install the configuration YAML file. This file serves as an example for a quick start. Given the minor differences between Testnet and Mainnet environments, it's crucial to use the appropriate file for the corresponding network.

# First create a directory to save your configuration file
mkdir configs && cd configs

# For mainnet only
wget ""

# For testnet only
wget ""

Configuration Setup

Next, the configuration YAML file contains certain parameters that the operator has to set. For instance, variables such as your relayer private key and each EVM provider's RPC endpoints depends to the operator itself, thus these values should be manually set.

You should prepare RPC endpoints for the following blockchain networks. There are two options for this: 1) operating your own blockchains nodes, or 2) utilizing services that offers RPC endpoints. You can find node providers on the links below. It’s crucial that each node must be archive-mode enabled.

Configuration Templates

  private_key: "<YOUR_RELAYER_PRIVATE_KEY>"
  debug_mode: false

  - name: "bifrost"
    id: 3068
    call_interval: 3000
    block_confirmations: 5
    is_native: true
    is_relay_target: true
    socket_address: "0xd551F33Ca8eCb0Be83d8799D9C68a368BA36Dd52"
    vault_address: "0xD85EB87caB9041ad00764b95796702b1104F42D7"
    authority_address: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000400"
    relayer_manager_address: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000002000"
  - name: "ethereum"
    id: 1
    call_interval: 12000
    block_confirmations: 1
    is_relay_target: false
    eip1559: true
    socket_address: "0x4A31FfeAc276CC5e508cAC0568d932d398C4DD84"
    vault_address: "0x2F95C102Cc26875406BC689Fb01aE382B82AA535"
    authority_address: "0xAdcaa90cabDc730855064d5b0f5242c16A9B7E10"
    chainlink_usdc_usd_address: "0x8fFfFfd4AfB6115b954Bd326cbe7B4BA576818f6"
    chainlink_usdt_usd_address: "0x3E7d1eAB13ad0104d2750B8863b489D65364e32D"
    chainlink_dai_usd_address: "0xAed0c38402a5d19df6E4c03F4E2DceD6e29c1ee9"
  - name: "bsc"
    id: 56
    provider: "<YOUR_BSC_RPC_ENDPOINT>"
    call_interval: 3000
    block_confirmations: 5
    is_relay_target: false
    is_initially_escalated: true
    socket_address: "0xb5Fa48E8B9b89760a9f9176388D1B64A8D4968dF"
    vault_address: "0x78ae4c0FD4f02CA79A2d8738d3369A4Bc5D4E323"
    authority_address: "0xF0500d77d5446665314722b963ab1F71872063E9"
  - name: "polygon"
    id: 137
    call_interval: 2000
    block_confirmations: 7
    is_relay_target: false
    eip1559: true
    min_priority_fee: 30000000000
    socket_address: "0x050606CC2Bcd9504991Be2c309D6c6c832Bb5bd0"
    vault_address: "0x5fA7fe5F94f2D15585a3134C1C5d3019c8c1645d"
    authority_address: "0x7F48909fBd1E38f1e05B5E326A44175fc2462B13"
  - name: "base"
    id: 8453
    provider: "<YOUR_BASE_RPC_ENDPOINT>"
    call_interval: 2000
    block_confirmations: 7
    is_relay_target: false
    eip1559: true
    socket_address: "0xAe172D8c5E428D4b7C70f9E593b207F9daC9BF3e"
    vault_address: "0x4F7aB59b5AC112970F5dD66D8a7ac505c8E5e08B"
    authority_address: "0x4C7a44F3FB37A53F33D3fe3cCdE97A444F105239"

  - handler_type: BridgeRelay
    watch_list: [3068, 1, 56, 137, 8453]
  - handler_type: Roundup
    watch_list: [3068]

###  The items below are optional. ###

  is_enabled: true
  round_offset: 3

  environment: "<YOUR_SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT>"
  is_enabled: false
  dsn: "<YOUR_SENTRY_DSN>"

  is_enabled: false
  is_external: false
  port: 8000
  private_key: "<YOUR_RELAYER_PRIVATE_KEY>"
  debug_mode: false

  - name: "bifrost-testnet"
    id: 49088
    call_interval: 3000
    block_confirmations: 5
    is_native: true
    is_relay_target: true
    socket_address: "0x0218371b18340aBD460961bdF3Bd5F01858dAB53"
    vault_address: "0x90381bB369D4F8069fdA9246b23637a78c5d1c83"
    authority_address: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000400"
    relayer_manager_address: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000002000"
  - name: "sepolia"
    id: 11155111
    call_interval: 12000
    block_confirmations: 1
    is_relay_target: false
    eip1559: true
    socket_address: "0xdAcc4aeea580F782bB991eA862e1a57827Ea9D68"
    vault_address: "0x9070e3a291B96D156f361A850410d656880540D2"
    authority_address: "0xC96971f6F5A1D20EFcD465B1163812a955b414A3"
  - name: "bsc-testnet"
    id: 97
    call_interval: 3000
    block_confirmations: 5
    is_relay_target: false
    is_initially_escalated: true
    socket_address: "0x8039c3AD8ED55509fD3f6Daa78867923fDe6E61c"
    vault_address: "0x27C66cb5caa07C9B332939c357c789C606f5054C"
    authority_address: "0xCf9f6428A309b6652a1dfaA4d8aB8B61C9c7E8CF"
    chainlink_usdc_usd_address: "0x90c069C4538adAc136E051052E14c1cD799C41B7"
    chainlink_usdt_usd_address: "0xEca2605f0BCF2BA5966372C99837b1F182d3D620"
    chainlink_dai_usd_address: "0xE4eE17114774713d2De0eC0f035d4F7665fc025D"
  - name: "mumbai"
    id: 80001
    provider: "<YOUR_MUMBAI_RPC_ENDPOINT>"
    call_interval: 2000
    block_confirmations: 7
    is_relay_target: false
    eip1559: true
    socket_address: "0xA25357F3C313Bd13885678f935178211f0dF6722"
    vault_address: "0xB2ba0020560cF6c164DC48D1E29559AbA8472208"
    authority_address: "0x2FD5232fDFa6e1c127e7821CC48108Ca79281a38"
    chainlink_usdc_usd_address: "0x572dDec9087154dC5dfBB1546Bb62713147e0Ab0"
    chainlink_usdt_usd_address: "0x92C09849638959196E976289418e5973CC96d645"
    chainlink_dai_usd_address: "0x0FCAa9c899EC5A91eBc3D5Dd869De833b06fB046"
  - name: "base-sepolia"
    id: 84532
    call_interval: 2000
    block_confirmations: 7
    is_relay_target: false
    eip1559: true
    socket_address: "0xdAcc4aeea580F782bB991eA862e1a57827Ea9D68"
    vault_address: "0x9070e3a291B96D156f361A850410d656880540D2"
    authority_address: "0x15EDC0c65004548fa787Bc01e533366674946C5F"
  - name: "arbitrum-sepolia"
    id: 421614
    call_interval: 2000
    block_confirmations: 5
    get_logs_batch_size: 8
    is_relay_target: false
    eip1559: true
    socket_address: "0xd1E060FD930B75DA9A709c91E6Ad03B330Fb2950"
    vault_address: "0x6EeE91b7c69e3576C13cE7a9C7C0E305dF6996F9"
    authority_address: "0x4dA97eCD85d4EE00E26C5f3aF21e6Da7bc3F71e2"

  - handler_type: BridgeRelay
    watch_list: [49088, 11155111, 97, 80001, 84532, 421614]
  - handler_type: Roundup
    watch_list: [49088]

###  The items below are optional. ###

  is_enabled: true
  round_offset: 3

  environment: "<YOUR_SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT>"
  is_enabled: false
  dsn: "<YOUR_SENTRY_DSN>"

  is_enabled: false
  is_external: false
  port: 8000

Configuration Parameters

The following table presents customizable parameters for the relayer. You can change each parameter according to your environment. However, we highly recommend to use the default values specified in the template except for fields that are not checked in the "Template Provided" column. Furthermore, "Template Provided" merely serves as an example, thus you must change the correct values for certain parameters (e.g., your private key).

Generally, for safety and to prevent unexpected system malfunctions, you should refrain from altering parameters that are included in the YAML file but not explicitly specified. If the network's self-monitoring mechanism detects a malfunction stemming from altered parameters, the offending relayer may be subject to slashing.

Using Systemd

For operators who prefer on using Systemd, you should make a configuration file for the Systemd execution environment. First, create a configuration file in the following directory.

sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/bifrost-relayer.service

An example of the configuration is provided below. The following parameters should be set regarding to your setup environment.

  • <DIRECTORY_WHERE_BIFROST_RELAYER_LOCATES> : The absolute path to the directory where the installed bifrost-relayer binary file locates.

  • <PATH_TO_BIFROST_RELAYER> : The absolute path to the installed bifrost-relayer binary file.

  • <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> : The absolute path to the installed config.testnet.yaml or config.mainnet.yaml. This parameter will be the the value for the CLI option, --chain.

Description=Bifrost Relayer Daemon

ExecStart=<PATH_TO_BIFROST_RELAYER> --chain <mainnet|testnet|<PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>>

Description=Bifrost Relayer Daemon

ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/example/bifrost-relayer --chain testnet


Run the Relayer Service

Now, the service can be started by executing the following commands. First, enable the service that will let it start automatically at every next system restart.

sudo systemctl enable bifrost-relayer

Then, start the Systemd service, executing instructions in the service’s configuration file, use the start command as mentioned below.

sudo systemctl start bifrost-relayer

And lastly, verify the service has successfully executed.

systemctl status bifrost-relayer

Check Logs

To check your running bifrost-relayer service logs, execute the command below.

journalctl -f -u bifrost-relayer

Once the service has successfully started, the initial logs will show up similar as below.

2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  sc_sysinfo     ]💻 Operating system: macos
2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  sc_sysinfo     ]💻 CPU architecture: aarch64
2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  bifrost-relayer]-[main               ] Bifrost Relayer
2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  bifrost-relayer]-[main               ] ✌️  version 1.0.2-1053ac84663
2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  bifrost-relayer]-[main               ] ❤️  by bifrost-platform, 2023-2023
2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  bifrost-relayer]-[main               ]   Chain specification: testnet
2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  bifrost-relayer]-[main               ] 👤 Relayer: 0xf708d58820fa20405993e186a8b38fb777f3143a
2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  bifrost-relayer]-[main               ] 🔨 Relay Targets (Legacy): bifrost, bsc
2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  bifrost-relayer]-[main               ] 🔨 Relay Targets (EIP1559): ethereum, polygon
2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  bifrost        ]-[block-manager      ] 💤 Idle, best: #8495214
2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  ethereum       ]-[block-manager      ] 💤 Idle, best: #9459619
2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  polygon        ]-[block-manager      ] 💤 Idle, best: #38621155
2023-08-04T14:41:38 INFO  bsc            ]-[block-manager      ] 💤 Idle, best: #32143709

If the bootstrap configuration is enabled, it will then start to bootstrap historical events as below.

2023-07-14T16:00:35 INFO  bifrost        ]-[roundup-handler    ] ⚙️  [Bootstrap mode] Bootstrapping RoundUp events.
2023-07-14T16:00:35 INFO  bsc            ]-[bridge-handler     ] ⚙️  [Bootstrap mode] Bootstrapping Socket events.
2023-07-14T16:00:35 INFO  bifrost        ]-[bridge-handler     ] ⚙️  [Bootstrap mode] Bootstrapping Socket events.
2023-07-14T16:00:35 INFO  mumbai         ]-[bridge-handler     ] ⚙️  [Bootstrap mode] Bootstrapping Socket events.
2023-07-14T16:00:35 INFO  goerli         ]-[bridge-handler     ] ⚙️  [Bootstrap mode] Bootstrapping Socket events.
2023-07-14T16:00:37 INFO  bifrost        ]-[bridge-handler     ] ⚙️  [Bootstrap mode] Bootstrapping Socket events.
2023-07-14T16:00:37 INFO  bifrost-relayer]-[bridge-handler     ] ⚙️  [Bootstrap mode] Bootstrap process successfully ended.

After the initial launch and the bootstrap process ends, the system will wait until each chain has reached the block confirmations specified in your configuration YAML file. It will then import every new block on every interval as below.

2023-08-04T14:41:54 INFO  polygon        ]-[block-manager      ]  Imported #38621155
2023-08-04T14:41:56 INFO  bifrost        ]-[block-manager      ]  Imported #8495214
2023-08-04T14:41:56 INFO  polygon        ]-[block-manager      ]  Imported #38621156
2023-08-04T14:41:57 INFO  bsc            ]-[block-manager      ]  Imported #32143709
2023-08-04T14:41:58 INFO  polygon        ]-[block-manager      ]  Imported #38621157
2023-08-04T14:41:59 INFO  bifrost        ]-[block-manager      ]  Imported #8495215
2023-08-04T14:42:00 INFO  bsc            ]-[block-manager      ]  Imported #32143710
2023-08-04T14:42:00 INFO  polygon        ]-[block-manager      ]  Imported #38621158
2023-08-04T14:42:02 INFO  ethereum       ]-[block-manager      ]  Imported #9459619
2023-08-04T14:42:02 INFO  bifrost        ]-[block-manager      ]  Imported #8495216
2023-08-04T14:42:02 INFO  polygon        ]-[block-manager      ]  Imported #38621159
2023-08-04T14:42:03 INFO  bsc            ]-[block-manager      ]  Imported #32143711

If your relayer has met every system logs mentioned above, this means that it has successfully been launched and has started to operate in a healthy state.

Upgrade Service

As the bifrost-relayer is under continuous development, there will be instances when it becomes necessary to upgrade your relayer service. When such upgrades become available, relayer operators will be notified either through our community channels or via direct communication. Please note that some upgrades may be optional rather than mandatory.

First, remove or backup the previous bifrost-relayer binary file.


Then, install the latest version of bifrost-relayer into the same directory and update permissions. (In case of directory changes, the Systemd configuration file should be modified as well)

chmod +x bifrost-relayer

At last, restart the Systemd service.

sudo systemctl restart bifrost-relayer

Using Docker

For operators who prefer on using Docker, it must be pre-installed in your operating system. Once installed, you can proceed to the following steps.

To run the relayer as a Docker container, use the command as mentioned below.

  • <DIRECTORY_WHERE_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATES> : The absolute path of the directory where the installed config.testnet.yaml or config.mainnet.yaml locates.

  • <YOUR_CONFIG_FILE_NAME> : The file name of the installed configuration YAML file.

  • <YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME> : Please set an explicit name for your relayer container.

docker run -d \
  --restart always \
  --network host \
  --mount type=bind,source=<DIRECTORY_WHERE_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATES>,target=/relayer/configs \
  thebifrost/ --chain /relayer/configs/<YOUR_CONFIG_FILE_NAME>
docker run -d \
  --restart always \
  --network host \
  --mount type=bind,source=/home/ubuntu/example,target=/relayer/configs \
  --name bifrost-relayer \
  thebifrost/ --chain /relayer/configs/config.mainnet.yaml

Check Logs

To check your running bifrost-relayer container logs, execute the command below.

docker logs -f <YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME>

Upgrade Docker Image

As the bifrost-relayer is under continuous development, there will be instances when it becomes necessary to upgrade your relayer service. When such upgrades become available, relayer operators will be notified either through our community channels or via direct communication. Please note that some upgrades may be optional rather than mandatory.

First stop and remove your running relayer container.


Then, pull the latest bifrost-relayer Docker image.

docker pull thebifrost/

At last execute the following command below to start a new container.

docker run -d \
  --restart always \
  --network host \
  --mount type=bind,source=<DIRECTORY_WHERE_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATES>,target=/relayer/configs \
  thebifrost/ --chain /relayer/configs/<YOUR_CONFIG_FILE_NAME>

Parameter Descriptions

Last updated