
Any network participant who desires to become a validator, should first join the candidate pool by bonding the required amount of BFC to the network. Users can also delegate their power (BFC) to nominate their desired candidate. Finally, at each new round, only the top n candidates will be selected as validators to produce blocks.

Candidates and nominators can perform all actions related to validator elections through the following BfcStaking contract.

BfcStaking contract

  • address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000400

  • Since the Solidity compiler does not support this function, it is recommended to call a method through the interface below.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

 * @title The interface through which solidity contracts will interact with Bfc Staking
 * We follow this same interface including four-byte function selectors, in the precompile that
 * wraps the pallet
 * Address :    0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000400

interface BfcStaking {
    struct candidate_meta_data {
        address candidate;
        address stash;
        uint256 bond;
        uint256 initial_bond;
        uint256 nomination_count;
        uint256 voting_power;
        uint256 lowest_top_nomination_amount;
        uint256 highest_bottom_nomination_amount;
        uint256 lowest_bottom_nomination_amount;
        uint256 top_capacity;
        uint256 bottom_capacity;
        uint256 status;
        bool is_selected;
        uint256 commission;
        uint256 last_block;
        uint256 blocks_produced;
        uint256 productivity;
        uint256 reward_dst;
        uint256 awarded_tokens;
        uint256 tier;

    struct candidate_request_data {
        address candidate;
        uint256 amount;
        uint256 when_executable;

    struct total_stake {
        uint256 total_self_bond;
        uint256 active_self_bond;
        uint256 total_nominations;
        uint256 total_top_nominations;
        uint256 total_bottom_nominations;
        uint256 active_nominations;
        uint256 active_top_nominations;
        uint256 active_bottom_nominations;
        uint256 total_nominators;
        uint256 total_top_nominators;
        uint256 total_bottom_nominators;
        uint256 active_nominators;
        uint256 active_top_nominators;
        uint256 active_bottom_nominators;
        uint256 total_stake;
        uint256 active_stake;
        uint256 total_voting_power;
        uint256 active_voting_power;

    struct round_meta_data {
        uint256 current_round_index;
        uint256 first_session_index;
        uint256 current_session_index;
        uint256 first_round_block;
        uint256 first_session_block;
        uint256 current_block;
        uint256 round_length;
        uint256 session_length;

    /// @dev Check whether the specified address is currently a staking nominator
    /// Selector: 8e5080e7
    /// @param nominator the address that we want to confirm is a nominator
    /// @return A boolean confirming whether the address is a nominator
    function is_nominator(address nominator) external view returns (bool);

    /// @dev Check whether the specified address is currently a validator candidate (full or basic)
    /// Selector: 5245c1e1
    /// @param candidate the address that we want to confirm is a validator andidate
    /// @param tier the type of the validator candidate (0: All, 1: Basic, 2: Full)
    /// @return A boolean confirming whether the address is a validator candidate
    function is_candidate(address candidate, uint256 tier)
        returns (bool);

    /// @dev Check whether the specified address is currently a part of the active set (full or basic)
    /// Selector: 4a079cfd
    /// @param candidate the address that we want to confirm is a part of the active set
    /// @param tier the type of the validator candidate (0: All, 1: Basic, 2: Full)
    /// @return A boolean confirming whether the address is a part of the active set
    function is_selected_candidate(address candidate, uint256 tier)
        returns (bool);

    /// @dev Check whether the specified address elements is currently a part of the active set
    /// Selector: 044527bd
    /// @param candidates the address array that we want to confirm is a part of the active set
    /// @param tier the type of the validator candidate (0: All, 1: Basic, 2: Full)
    /// @return A boolean confirming whether the address array is a part of the active set
    function is_selected_candidates(address[] calldata candidates, uint256 tier)
        returns (bool);

    /// @dev Check whether every specified address element is currently the active set (full or basic)
    /// Selector: 2e8c2a6a
    /// @param candidates the address array that we want to confirm is the active set
    /// @param tier the type of the validator candidate (0: All, 1: Basic, 2: Full)
    /// @return A boolean confirming whether the address array is the active set
    function is_complete_selected_candidates(
        address[] calldata candidates,
        uint256 tier
    ) external view returns (bool);

    /// @dev Check whether the specified address was a part of the given round active set
    /// Selector: 0b32e591
    /// @param round_index the round index that we want to confirm
    /// @param candidate the address that we want to confirm is the active set
    /// @return A boolean confirming whether the address was in the active set
    function is_previous_selected_candidate(
        uint256 round_index,
        address candidate
    ) external view returns (bool);

    /// @dev Check whether the specified address array was a part of the given round active set
    /// Selector: e200c8e3
    /// @param round_index the round index that we want to confirm
    /// @param candidates the address array that we want to confirm is the active set
    /// @return A boolean confirming whether the address array was in the active set
    function is_previous_selected_candidates(
        uint256 round_index,
        address[] calldata candidates
    ) external view returns (bool);

    /// @dev Get the current rounds info
    /// Selector: f8aa8ddd
    /// @return The current rounds index, first session index, current session index,
    ///         first round block, first session block, current block, round length, session length
    function round_info() external view returns (round_meta_data memory);

    /// @dev Get the current rounds index
    /// Selector: 6f31dd98
    /// @return The current rounds index
    function latest_round() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @dev Get the current rounds active validator sets majority
    /// Selector: b6e54bdf
    /// @return The current rounds majority
    function majority() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @dev Get the given rounds active validator sets majority
    /// Selector: e0f9ab40
    /// @return The given rounds majority
    function previous_majority(uint256 round_index)
        returns (uint256);

    /// @dev Total points awarded to all validators in a particular round
    /// Selector: 9799b4e7
    /// @param round_index the round for which we are querying the points total
    /// @return The total points awarded to all validators in the round
    function points(uint256 round_index) external view returns (uint256);

    /// @dev awarded points to the given validator in the given round
    /// Selector: 59a595fb
    /// @param round_index the round for which we are querying the points
    /// @return The awarded points to the validator in the given round
    function validator_points(uint256 round_index, address validator)
        returns (uint256);

    /// @dev The amount of awarded tokens to validators and nominators since genesis
    /// Selector: 9ec5a894
    /// @return The total amount of awarded tokens
    function rewards() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @dev Total capital locked information of self-bonds and nominations of the given round
    /// Selector: b119ebfe
    /// @return The total locked information
    function total(uint256 round_index)
        returns (total_stake memory);

    /// @dev Stake annual inflation parameters
    /// Selector: 10db2de9
    /// @return The annual inflation parameters (min, ideal, max)
    function inflation_config()
        returns (

    /// @dev Stake annual inflation rate
    /// Selector: 180692d0
    /// @return The annual inflation rate according to the current stake amount
    function inflation_rate() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @dev The estimated yearly return
    /// Selector: fd0c6dc1
    /// @return The estimated yearly return according to the requested data
    function estimated_yearly_return(
        address[] memory candidates,
        uint256[] memory amounts
    ) external view returns (uint256[] memory);

    /// @dev Get the minimum nomination amount
    /// Selector: c9f593b2
    /// @return The minimum nomination amount
    function min_nomination() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @dev Get the maximum nominations allowed per nominator
    /// Selector: 8b88f0e1
    /// @return The maximum nominations
    function max_nominations_per_nominator() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @dev Get the maximum top and bottom nominations counted per candidate
    /// Selector: 547eaba9
    /// @return The maximum top and bottom nominations per candidate (top, bottom)
    function max_nominations_per_candidate()
        returns (uint256, uint256);

    /// @dev Get the bond less delay information for candidates
    /// Selector: 7abd4bbb
    /// @return The bond less delay for candidates (`LeaveCandidatesDelay`, `CandidateBondLessDelay`)
    function candidate_bond_less_delay()
        returns (uint256, uint256);

    /// @dev Get the bond less delay information for nominators
    /// Selector: 804d185e
    /// @return The bond less delay for nominators (`LeaveNominatorsDelay`, `RevokeNominationDelay`, `NominationBondLessDelay`)
    function nominator_bond_less_delay()
        returns (

    /// @dev Get the CandidateCount weight hint
    /// Selector: 4b1c4c29
    /// @return The CandidateCount weight hint
    function candidate_count() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @dev Get the current rounds selected candidates
    /// Selector: a5542eea
    /// @param tier the type of the validator candidate (0: All, 1: Basic, 2: Full)
    /// @return The list of the selected candidates
    function selected_candidates(uint256 tier)
        returns (address[] memory);

    /// @dev Get the previous selected candidates of the given round index
    /// Selector: d9c62dc8
    /// @return The list of the previous selected candidates
    function previous_selected_candidates(uint256 round_index)
        returns (address[] memory);

    /// @dev Get the current state of joined validator candidates
    /// Selector: 96b41b5b
    /// @return The list of the joined validator candidates
    function candidate_pool()
        returns (address[] memory, uint256[] memory);

    /// @dev Get the current state of the given candidate
    /// Selector: 36f3b497
    /// @param candidate the address for which we are querying the state
    /// @return The current state of the queried candidate
    function candidate_state(address candidate)
        returns (candidate_meta_data memory);

    /// @dev Get every candidate states
    /// Selector: 3b368c8c
    /// @param tier the type of the validator candidate (0: All, 1: Basic, 2: Full)
    /// @return An array of every candidate states
    function candidate_states(uint256 tier)
        returns (
            address[] memory,
            address[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            bool[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory

    /// @dev Get every candidate states by the given selector
    /// Selector: d631e15c
    /// @param tier the type of the validator candidate (0: All, 1: Basic, 2: Full)
    /// @param is_selected the boolean for which it is selected for the current round
    /// @return An array of every candidate states that matches the selector
    function candidate_states_by_selection(uint256 tier, bool is_selected)
        returns (
            address[] memory,
            address[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            bool[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory

    /// @dev Get the request status of the given candidate
    /// Selector: 2e388768
    /// @param candidate the address for which we are querying the state
    /// @return The current status of the queried candidate
    function candidate_request(address candidate)
        returns (candidate_request_data memory);

    /// @dev Get the top nominations of the given candidate
    /// Selector: 2a9cdf2b
    /// @param candidate the address for which we are querying the state
    /// @return The current status of the queried candidate
    function candidate_top_nominations(address candidate)
        returns (
            address[] memory,
            uint256[] memory

    /// @dev Get the bottom nominations of the given candidate
    /// Selector: 9be794c0
    /// @param candidate the address for which we are querying the state
    /// @return The current status of the queried candidate
    function candidate_bottom_nominations(address candidate)
        returns (
            address[] memory,
            uint256[] memory

    /// @dev Get the CandidateNominationCount weight hint
    /// Selector: 1c8ad6fe
    /// @param candidate The address for which we are querying the nomination count
    /// @return The number of nominations backing the validator
    function candidate_nomination_count(address candidate)
        returns (uint256);

    /// @dev Get the current state of the given nominator
    /// Selector: 3f97be51
    /// @param nominator the address for which we are querying the state
    /// @return The current state of the queried nominator
    function nominator_state(address nominator)
        returns (
            address[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory

    /// @dev Get the pending requests of the given nominator
    /// Selector: 24f81326
    /// @param nominator the address for which we are querying the state
    /// @return The pending requests of the queried nominator
    function nominator_requests(address nominator)
        returns (
            address[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory

    /// @dev Get the NominatorNominationCount weight hint
    /// Selector: dae5659b
    /// @param nominator The address for which we are querying the nomination count
    /// @return The number of nominations made by the nominator
    function nominator_nomination_count(address nominator)
        returns (uint256);

    /// @dev Temporarily leave the set of validator candidates without unbonding
    /// Selector: 767e0450
    function go_offline() external;

    /// @dev Rejoin the set of validator candidates if previously had called `go_offline`
    /// Selector: d2f73ceb
    function go_online() external;

    /// @dev Join the set of validator candidates
    /// Selector: f98e1021
    /// @param controller The paired controller to the stash account
    /// @param relayer The relayer account for cross-chain functionality (optional)
    /// @param amount The amount self-bonded by the caller to become a validator candidate
    /// @param candidateCount The number of candidates in the CandidatePool
    function join_candidates(
        address controller,
        address relayer,
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 candidateCount
    ) external;

    /// @dev Request to bond more for validator candidates
    /// Selector: c57bd3a8
    /// @param more The additional amount self-bonded
    function candidate_bond_more(uint256 more) external;

    /// @dev Request to leave the set of validator candidates
    /// Selector: 60afbac6
    /// @param candidateCount The number of candidates in the CandidatePool
    function schedule_leave_candidates(uint256 candidateCount) external;

    /// @dev Request to bond less for validator candidates
    /// Selector: 034c47bc
    /// @param less The amount to be subtracted from self-bond and unreserved
    function schedule_candidate_bond_less(uint256 less) external;

    /// @dev Execute due request to leave the set of validator candidates
    /// Selector: e33a8f25
    /// @param candidateNominationCount The number of nominations for the candidate to be revoked
    function execute_leave_candidates(uint256 candidateNominationCount)

    /// @dev Execute pending candidate bond request
    /// Selector: 6c76b502
    function execute_candidate_bond_less() external;

    /// @dev Cancel request to leave the set of validator candidates
    /// Selector: 0880b3e2
    /// @param candidateCount The number of candidates in the CandidatePool
    function cancel_leave_candidates(uint256 candidateCount) external;

    /// @dev Cancel pending candidate bond request
    /// Selector: 583d0fdc
    function cancel_candidate_bond_less() external;

    /// @dev Set the commission ratio of the given candidate
    /// Selector: 6492d2e0
    function set_validator_commission(uint256 commission) external;

    /// @dev Reset the paired controller account of the requested stash
    /// Selector: 91b10ffa
    /// @param new_controller The new controller to be set
    function set_controller(address new_controller) external;

    /// @dev Set the validator candidate reward destination
    /// Selector: 4b4323fb
    /// @param new_reward_dst The new reward destination to be set (Staked = 0, Account = 1)
    function set_candidate_reward_dst(uint256 new_reward_dst) external;

    /// @dev Make a nomination in support of a validator candidate
    /// Selector: 49df6eb3
    /// @param candidate The address of the supported validator candidate
    /// @param amount The amount bonded in support of the validator candidate
    /// @param candidateNominationCount The number of nominations in support of the candidate
    /// @param nominatorNominationCount The number of existing nominations by the caller
    function nominate(
        address candidate,
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 candidateNominationCount,
        uint256 nominatorNominationCount
    ) external;

    /// @dev Bond more for nominators with respect to a specific validator candidate
    /// Selector: 971d44c8
    /// @param candidate The address of the validator candidate for which nomination shall increase
    /// @param more The amount by which the nomination is increased
    function nominator_bond_more(address candidate, uint256 more) external;

    /// @dev Request to leave the set of nominators
    /// Selector: 13153b19
    function schedule_leave_nominators() external;

    /// @dev Request to revoke an existing nomination
    /// Selector: 5b84b7c7
    /// @param candidate The address of the validator candidate which will no longer be supported
    function schedule_revoke_nomination(address candidate) external;

    /// @dev Request to bond less for nominators with respect to a specific validator candidate
    /// Selector: 774bef4d
    /// @param candidate The address of the validator candidate for which nomination shall decrease
    /// @param less The amount by which the nomination is decreased (upon execution)
    function schedule_nominator_bond_less(address candidate, uint256 less)

    /// @dev Execute request to leave the set of nominators and revoke all nominations
    /// Selector: 4480de22
    /// @param nominatorNominationCount The number of active nominations to be revoked by nominator
    function execute_leave_nominators(uint256 nominatorNominationCount)

    /// @dev Execute pending nomination request (if exists && is due)
    /// Selector: bfb13332
    /// @param candidate The address of the candidate
    function execute_nomination_request(address candidate) external;

    /// @dev Cancel request to leave the set of nominators
    /// Selector: e48105f0
    function cancel_leave_nominators() external;

    /// @dev Cancel pending nomination request (already made in support of input by caller)
    /// Selector: bdb20cae
    /// @param candidate The address of the candidate
    function cancel_nomination_request(address candidate) external;

    /// @dev Set the nominator reward destination
    /// Selector: 5706390d
    /// @param new_reward_dst The new reward destination to be set (Staked = 0, Account = 1)
    function set_nominator_reward_dst(uint256 new_reward_dst) external;

Last updated